To some people, the term “Wedding DJ” alone sounds old fashioned.  “Dated,” “boring,” or “corny” might be words that come to mind.  Or perhaps they just shudder when they think about their friends and family groaning as the MC tells bad jokes or encourages everyone to do the Chicken Dance.

It might even look like this:

old school dj

So, what does it mean to be a modern wedding DJ?

For us at Bela Sono Music, being modern wedding DJs comes down to understanding the modern bride and groom.  To break it down further we define it in 5 ways:

1.Never be Cheesy

Your wedding should never make you cringe.  From bad jokes to played-out wedding tunes, you don’t need them.  A wedding doesn’t need to be cheesy to be fun. We promise that you won’t hear us on the microphone all night.  We won’t tell bad jokes, nor will we bombard your guests with line dances that they’re sick of.

2. Take Pride in Appearance

The way your DJ looks and the way their set up looks is important.  If your event is truly black tie for all guests, the DJ should wear a well tailored tuxedo and blend in seamlessly.  But at most weddings, a dark suit and appropriate tie are the perfect look.  The DJs gear should be tidy, elegant, and unobtrusive. You don’t need to put up with wires all over the place, ill-fitting cheap tuxedos, or a suit that hasn’t been updated in over a decade.

3. It’s Not Enough to Just Play Good Music

Great music is the foundation of a celebration, but it’s not enough to just choose great songs.  Even if a DJ played the “best 30 songs ever” (there is no such thing) if they are in a crazy order, you won’t get the best results.  Reading what your guests are responding to, building energy properly, blending songs together seamlessly, understanding the couple we are working with… these are the basic building blocks of the great weddings that our couples enjoy.

4. Plan and Coordinate

Having experience focusing on weddings means we know what works, and what doesn’t.  We help our clients with their timeline to make sure that we use our experience to guide you through the planning process.  Our role is to ensure you and your guests have a great time, and a big part of that is making sure that your wedding feels coordinated but not rushed.

It is also critical to work well with your other vendors behind the scenes.  If we start the toasts but your photographer or videographer aren’t in the room, we can never re-create that moment.  You should never see it happen, but a modern wedding DJ will make sure that your whole team is on the same page before any critical moments get started.

5. Be Flexible

Every wedding has nuances that require flexibility on the part of your vendor team.  Whether a toast runs long, there’s an unexpected rain shower, or wardrobe issues needing a few extra minutes… these things happen.  We know from experience how to roll with it and make sure that even when the unexpected happens, we can help you get through your day with ease.

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If you’re ready to see the difference that a modern wedding DJ can make for your wedding, take just a couple of minutes to chat with us, and see if we are the right fit for your wedding!